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data encoding中文是什么意思

用"data encoding"造句"data encoding"怎么读"data encoding" in a sentence


  • 数据编码


  • Which defines transport and data encoding
  • Data encoding and error control are very important in wireless communication
  • This section explains how sql server 2005 supports use of character data encoded in these specialized formats
    本节说明了sql server 2005如何支持使用以这些专用的格式编码的字符数据:
  • Comparative analysis is made on the data encoding and the realization of data encoding methods used in this system is presented
  • Mgt 261 . data communications . data transmission . transmission media . data encoding . the data communication interface . data link control . multiplexing
  • The unicode data encoding scheme simplifies world - ready application development because it allows all international characters to be represented in a single encoding
  • With the feature of encoding the local format data to the binary data and simple structured mark , hbwsp prescribes the data encoding specification and the rpc representation
  • Firstly , mixing transport and data encoding specifications seems to be a very messy approach to communications , and seems to fly in the face of layered protocols that have been the practice in networking for decades
  • The work principle of the cd - rom system and the algorithm of data encoding decoding are introduced . the circuit of the interface based on fpga is proposed . the principle of the system and the implementation of software and hardware is given
    在分析了cd - rom系统的工作原理和数据编解码的算法后,提出了基于fpga的接口电路设计方案,给出了系统设计的原理和软硬件电路的实现方法,并对测试结果进行了分析。
  • This is to help reduce network traffic by allowing implementations to use more efficient data encoding , such as a binary protocol between the device and the wireless gateway , as long as such encoding is transparent to both the web service consumer and the producer
    这样做是通过允许执行程序使用更有效的数据编码方法来帮助减少网络传输,例如在设备和无线网关间使用二进制协议(只要这样编码对消费者和生产者是透明的) 。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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